The quality and depth of thought behind each entry in the second E Tū Whānau Poster Competition is nothing short of inspirational.

That’s the reaction E Tū Whānau Kaiwhakahaere Ann Dysart had as gorgeous images expressing whanaungatanga, tikanga and kōrero awhi were uploaded to the competition’s facebook page.
“It’s been inspiring to see the different ways these values, three of the six that underpin the E Tū Whānau kaupapa, have been interpreted and celebrated by people of all ages and backgrounds,” said Ann Dysart.
Winning entries will be used to create posters and other resources to help share the E Tū Whānau kaupapa.
All entries can be viewed in the poster competition gallery on the E Tū Whānau Facebook page.
This year’s E Tū Whānau Poster Competition attracted more than 230 entries. It was held in partnership with Māori Radio and the Māori Media Network. Posters were judged by Wiremu Barriball (Revolution Aotearoa) and Bronwyn Waipuka-Callander (B.WAIPUKAart Studio) in conjunction with the E Tū Whānau team.
Ann Dysart acknowledges and thanks everyone who took the time to think about the values and create their own visual interpretation of them.
“Entrants have put a lot of thought into both the artwork and the kōrero for their posters. We thank all of them for taking the time to celebrate these values through art.”
Winners of the 2019 E Tū Whānau Poster Competition are:
- Winner (General Category, any age) – Jordan Schick, Te Arawa (Entry 082)
- Highly Commended (General) – Michael Whaanga, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu (Entry 151)
- Winner (Tamariki Category, 13 & under) – Parearau & Autahi Rogers-Brooking (8 & 4 yrs), Ngāti Porou (Entry 001)
- Highly Commended (Tamariki) – Manahi Ihakara, Brooklyn Waaka, Trinity Pene & K C Charlie-Pewhairangi, (8 & 9 yrs), Te Arawa Whānui (Entry 188)
- Winner (General Category, any age) – Jacob Wilkins-Hodges, Ngāti Konohi (Entry 045)
- Highly Commended – Joedy Robinson, Te Ātiawa, Ngāpuhi, Tūwharetoa (Entry 014)
- Winner (Tamariki Category, 13 & under) – Nikora Henare-Richards (10 yrs), Tamahaki (Entry 211)
- Highly Commended – Taukehu-Tiria Ngata-Malcolm (5 yrs), Ngāti Tarawhai, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Ranginui me Ngāi Te Rangi (Entry 228)
Kōrero Awhi
- Winner (General Category, any age) – Siobhan Houkamau, Ngāti Porou (Entry 095)
- Highly Commended – Te Aroha Rhind-Sutherland, Ngāti Paoa, Te Atiawa (Entry 231)
- Winner (Tamariki Category, 13 & under) – Phoenix Sigley (10 yrs), Ngapuhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Entry 221)
- Highly Commended – Harmony Gembitsky-Edmonds (9 yrs), Tamahaki (Entry 199)
Most Votes Category (by public voting)
- 1st equal – Te Aroha Rhind-Sutherland, Ngāti Paoa, Te Atiawa (Entry 231) and Hinarera Lambert, Ngāti Hine, Ngāi Te Rangi (Entry 177)
- 2nd Highest Votes – Tururangi Rowe, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāti Uenuku (Entry 005)