Haere mai!
Welcome to E Tū Whānau, a grassroots movement founded on tikanga and Māori values. Our vision is of whānau that are strong, safe and prosperous – active within their community, living with a clear sense of identity and cultural diversity, with control over their destiny. E Tū Whānau's strengths-based approach is proudly kaupapa Māori but also inspires and supports former refugee and migrant communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Here is some kōrero about the kaupapa, the values and rich Māori heritage that inspire and power E Tū Whānau.
Learn more about E Tu Whanau, read our vision and our Framework for Change.
Charter of Commitment
The E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment was developed by Māori as a call to action to whānau to stand together against all forms of violence, and to uphold the tapu and the mana of our people. The Charter is a public declaration that violence against wāhine and tamariki is not part of Māori cultural tradition.
Violence is a transgression against whānau and whakapapa – stand up and speak out! Read more about the Charter and sign up to a violence-free future.
Our values
E Tū Whānau is founded on Māori traditions and values that uplift, fortify and protect whānau. These values came from kōrero at hui all around the country about the qualities that characterise strong whānau. Together these values create ‘the rope of life’ that connects and strengthens whānau.
Read more about our values.
Giving with no expectation of return.
It's about being connected.
Knowing who you are and where you belong.
Mana manaaki
Building the mana of others, through nurturing, growing and challenging.
Kōrero awhi
Positive communication and actions.
Doing things the right way, according to our values.
Our kaupapa
Our kaupapa is powered by the many strengths within Te Ao Māori. It is founded on Māori traditions and values that uplift, fortify and protect whānau.
Latest stories
E Tū Whānau is a strengths-based movement. These stories to give voice to whānau and communities who embrace the kaupapa. They celebrate grass-roots change and inspire others to follow.
Marathon running has brought a rōpū from Te Hapori Ora...
Te Ara ki Hawaiki Roa wānanga support healing through connection...
Autism Noor is an E Tū Whānau-supported a community-led response...
Tūpuna!, explores whakapapa from the perspective of tamariki, for tamariki.