Strengths-based change
The E Tū Whānau Mahere Rautaki (Framework for Change) 2019-2024 is a blueprint for the next five years. It is based on a theory of change that is strengths-based. This theory is guided by the Te Ao Māori worldview that the universe is dynamic, moving from one state to another – from a state of unrealised potential (Te Kore) to a state of ‘becoming‘ or ‘knowing’ (Te Pō), to a state of enlightenment or wisdom (Te Ao Mārama). This process of growth, transformation and enlightenment is not static but one of continuous interaction, learning and review.

Read about the launch of the E Tū Whānau Mahere Rautaki (Framework for Change) 2019-2024.
Priority action areas
There are four priority action areas in the Framework for Change:
- Hapori development
- Whānau strength
- Tāne ora / Wāhine ora
- Rangatahi development
You can watch videos of kōrero with E Tū Whānau kahukura about these priority action areas here.
Broad commitment and support
E Tu Whānau recognises that there are some things only Te Ao Māori can do, some things that are the responsibility of government, and some actions that will require a shared commitment. The kaupapa provides an opportunity for Māori to lead the solutions to address these issues with support from government. It also recognises that the keys to success will be harnessing the strength of whānau across Aotearoa, and taking action at the community level.
Our strategic documents
The following strategic documents have guided the direction and priorities for E Tū Whānau since the beginning: