Turning a marathon dream into reality – The power of the collective

In May this year, a team of Māori on a mission will realise their dream when they take part in a marathon in what might seem to many as very unlikely terrain, the Great Wall of China.

Eight members of the Taupō-based Te Hapori Ora – The Village of Wellbeing whānau, are taking part in the Adventure Marathon event organised by inspirational marathoner, Doug Healey. They’ll join 24 other Kiwi athletes to compete as the ‘Influence Crew’ and proudly represent Aotearoa on the world stage.

Behind them stands a powerful support network: their whānau and local community which have provided everything from kai and moral encouragement to tireless fundraising efforts.

This collective effort has been 14 months in the making – a journey grounded in preparation, discipline, and deep whanaungatanga. Together, they’ve worked toward an epic adventure that has already changed their lives.

In this photograph, 17 people stand on the steps of a building. They all have sporting medals around their necks and they are all wearing black shirts and dark clothing. Behind them on the wall, a sign says "Te kiko o te rangi".
Some of the Te Hapori Ora team who are going to take part in the Great Wall of China marathon in May 2025, with some of their supporters who will join them on the trip.

Turning exercise into fun

This rōpū are fully focused on their collective moemoeā. Together they’ve worked out the steps they need to take to make it happen.

These whānau started their hapori fitness drive with early morning sessions at the indoor / outdoor fitness venue they’ve developed out of rundown buildings on council land in Spa Rd, Taupō. They call it the Poutama Oranga Destination or simply, The POD. 

“We had fun,” says Te Hapori Ora Kaituruki and CEO, Hākuwai Eriksen-Downs.

“We were dancing, spinning poi, lifting weights, circuit training – anything that got us moving. We began walking together and, before you know it, we’re jogging and setting our eyes on marathons.”

The Te Hapori Ora crew completed the First Light Marathon in Tairāwhiti Gisborne in January.

They’re planning to walk the Tongariro Alpine Crossing at Anzac weekend, and in May they’re off on their Great Wall of China adventure.

In this photograph, 5 people stand on lawn at the edge of the beach on a beautiful blue sky day. They are wearing white First Light Marathon t shirts and have medals around their necks.
The Te Hapori Ora crew after completing the First Light Marathon in Tairawhiti in January 2025.

Group’s marathon goal has far-reaching benefits

It turns out their practice is having unexpected and significant benefits for individuals and the wider community.

Hākuwai says that there’s been a significant increase in whānau turning up and joining regular training activities at Te Hapori Ora POD.

“Each one of those families involved in the China trip has five to seven kids who are now involved in POD. One mum even told us that her boy had stopped skipping school since he’s been coming to POD training. That’s awesome!”

Hākuwai also says that by focusing on improving their tinana, many of of the rōpū found they had underlying health issues that needed addressing.

“Others could see the changes in us and found that inspirational. Being healthier makes you more vibrant and others realise that good health is available to them as well.”

Last year, the Te Hapori Ora crew finished the Taupō marathon with colleagues from Te Whariki Aroha, the collective of health and social organisations they are part of and with whom they share office premises. The wider group is planning to do it again this August.

In this photo, a group of people cross the finish line of a marathon. They look happy and are all smiling. The three people in front are holding hands and close behind them, the rest of the group is visible.
Te Hapori Ora and Te Whariki Aroha whānau cross the finish line of the Taupō marathon at the end of last year.

“Health statistics for Māori aren’t great and our people are often uncomfortable talking about their health issues,” says Hākuwai. “Coming together to get fit and have fun while enjoying each other’s company can literally be a lifesaver.”