E Tū Whānau supports positive community-led change by empowering whānau and communities, and respecting and uplifting mana.
Te mana kaha o te whānau / The strength and power of the whānau.

Our partnering approach centres on the recognition that transformational change occurs when communities are trusted to know what’s best for them, when they are supported to design – and then empowered to lead – their own change.
We listen to aspirations and moemoeā and co-create approaches and solutions that realise them; we only partner with communities into which we have been invited. Our approach is relational. It is also guided by tikanga and traditional Māori values that support whānau to realise their potential through positive change.
When funding is involved to support communities, a contractual relationship is also required.
More about E Tū Whānau communities
Learn more about the kahukura concept and its role in E Tū Whānau kaupapa
Read how communities of former refugees and migrants are included in E Tū Whānau
Be inspired by entries into E Tū Whānau community competitions.

We are committed to respecting personal and organisational information and to keeping it safe. Read more here about how E Tū Whānau collects, uses, protects, and shares information about people and organisations.