Around 120 rangatahi from all over the country came together in Rotorua to discuss and plan for the future they want to create at the E Tū Whānau PALMS Rangatahi Symposium on 21-22 July, 2017.

Adorate Mizero (right, denim jacket) organises her new friends into a goup photo
One participant, Adorate Mizero described her experience powerfully in her blog –
“The general theme was to envision what we, as rangatahi from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds wanted New Zealand to look like in 15 years, while also reflecting on and incorporating the values of E Tū Whānau.”
The hui was a chance for rangatahi from tangata whenua, pasefika and diverse communities to learn about and connect under the E Tū Whānau umbrella of “PALMS” – Peaceful Action Leadership Movements. The palm tree is found throughout the world – in the Pacific, the desert, the rainforest and in Aotearoa. It symbolises the network of rangatahi working towards the E Tū Whānau vision.