In March 2014 Robert Cassidy was one of 80 men to attend a hui for tāne. The hui was co-hosted by E Tū Whānau and the three northern iwi of Te Rarawa, Ngāti Whātua and Ngāpuhi.
Robert was inspired by the Tāne Hui’s kōrero to reach out to other tāne to start making changes in their own community.
“I’m starting out by getting a few of the boys together, reaching out to like-minded tane or connecting with men who, for whatever reason, may be feeling a bit lost at the moment. It’s all about enjoying each other’s company and sharing stories.
“While you’re out with the boys, you’re reconnecting with them and strengthening those relationships.
“Maybe we’ll go out fishing, bring some kai home to our whānau, and just do things that us men like doing, but without feeling that alcohol has to be part of it. That way everyone reaps the benefit.”