Te Rūnunga o Ngapuhi and Te Rūnunga o Te Rarawa organised an E Tū Whānau Hui a Tāne in Paihia in March 2014. It brought together 60 tāne aged between 30 and 80 to talk about tikanga, their values and beliefs and to support and encourage the positive action of tāne in their communities to grow strong whānau and hapū.
The hui talked about how the concept of the tewha tewha could be adapted and used in today’s world at several levels, including clearing away the debris of the past and creating new ways forward.
The tāne talked about leadership, being accountable for their actions and agreed to take the kōrero back to their marae and use the E Tū Whānau kaupapa as a framework for supporting their tāne to be active and making all their whānau stronger in the process.