E Tū Whānau is a Māori response to the unacceptable levels of violence within Te Ao Māori. The kaupapa acknowledges and is founded on all of the work that went before; it also recognises that past approaches have not worked for Māori. E Tū Whānau is very clear that violence within whānau was not part of traditional Māori life. We celebrate our journey and all those who continue to inspire community-led change.
E Tū Whānau – Our journey
↓ | Hopuhopu Summit (2008) – a mandate for change Our journey began with a national summit in April 2008 (opened by King Tuheitia and hosted by Tainui at Hopuhopu Marae) which brought together our leaders to discuss ways for Māori to tackle violence. The consensus was that a fresh approach was needed based on Māori ways of doing things, and that it must be led by Māori and focused on strengths and successes. This summit was a significant event for Māori. |
↓ | Wide support across Aotearoa More than 30 hui held across the country endorsed this approach and suggested the principles and recommendations for action. |
↓ | Gathering the stories, shaping the values Kōrero with kuia, kaumātua and many others helped to shape the messages and values that underpin the E Tū Whānau approach. |
↓ | Developing a framework for change The summit, hui and kōrero provided a clear mandate and direction. This created the foundation for a Programme of Action, the framework for change. |
↓ | The first Programme of Action (2008 – 2013) The Māori Reference Group published the first Programme of Action. This was supported by government and launched by Hon Dame Tariana Turia in February 2009. |
↓ | Nurturing change The first five years focused on building support for E Tū Whānau – at a community level and within iwi leadership. A groundswell of community action started to build. E Tū Whānau kahukura (leaders of change) began to emerge. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau expanded to include former refugee and migrant communities In 2013, E Tū Whānau was expanded to include former refugee and migrant communities – the kaupapa resonates with these communities; they find it inspiring, relevant and enabling. |
↓ | The second Programme of Action (2013 – 2018) The second Programme of Action was developed. It built on the first Programme of Action, informed by learning and kōrero along the way. It was launched in Rotorua at a national hui of iwi leaders, practitioners and rangatahi (June 2013). |
↓ | National hui (Rotorua, June 2013) Māori leaders confirmed the approach and direction for E Tū Whānau and the second Programme of Action. The inaugural E Tū Whānau Kahukura Awards were presented to leaders of positive change within whānau, hapū and iwi. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment launched (Tūwharetoa, August 2014) This was a significant event – the Charter formalises our commitment to positive change and gives us the opportunity, as Māori, to take a strong public stand against violence. The 2014 Kahukura Awards were presented at this launch. |
↓ | Rangatahi involvement consolidated Wānanga and hui engaged and consolidated rangatahi participation. A number of rangatahi kahukura (individuals and collectives) emerged to lead change. A national rangatahi forum involving Māori, Pasifika and youth from diverse communities was formed . |
↓ | E Tū Whānau action and support accelerated Support for E Tū Whānau continued to grow as whānau, hapū, iwi and communities around the country embraced the kaupapa and found ways to express it and encourage positive change. This included a mandate from the Iwi Chair’s Forum and iwi involvement across Aotearoa. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment gathered momentum The E Tū Whānau Charter provides a focus and platform for individuals and collectives to publicly oppose violence in all its forms. Thousands signed the Charter to take a stand against violence and uphold whānau restoration as the foundation for change. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau Kahukura Workshop (June 2018) This workshop brought together recognised Māori kahukura (leaders) and influencers to share current knowledge and thinking about the issues that affect whānau, to contribute to solutions and to help us develop a new strategy and action plan for the next five years. |
↓ | Community focus groups (June – November 2018) Whānau from across the country took part in focus groups to kōrero about issues, progress and priorities for whānau to help shape the 2019 – 2024 Programme of Action. |
↓ | Mahere Rautaki (Framework for Change) 2019 – 2024 (launched 2020) The E Tū Whānau Mahere Rautaki (Framework for Change) and underpinning Theory of Change was developed and published. It captured and reflected the learnings and successes of the previous 10 years, and set the direction and goals for the next five. |
↓ | Ann Dysart Kahukura Award (June 2022) This vibrant event re-launched the Kahukura Awards, in memory of Ann Dysart (founding Kahukura). Filmed live from Waiwhetu Marae and streamed online across the motu, it celebrated 11 community partner organisations for their vision and leadership as positive change agents within their communities. |
↓ | Poutokomanawa Hapori Hui (October 2022) Community partners with longstanding relationships and connections to the E Tū Whānau kaupapa gathered virtually for a two-day digital hui sharing approaches to mobilising whānau and hapori Māori for positive change, celebrating successes, and empowering those who do the work. |
↓ | Set of E Tū Whānau values booklets published (December 2022) The six E Tū Whānau values protect and strengthen whānau. The publication of booklets, posters and pass along cards on each of the values complemented the existing suite of E Tū Whānau resources that support positive change in whānau, hapu, iwi and hapori. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau Kahukura Workshop (March 2023) Kahukura brought together online for this digital workshop were inspired to lead and support their communities on journeys of positive transformational change. Participants were introduced to a range of strategies and E Tū Whānau resources designed to energise and empower their mahi within communities. |
↓ | Peaceful Action Leadership Movement (PALM) Symposium (September 2023) Held bi-annually, PALM fosters rangatahi kahukura and leadership including through building relationships and cultural connection among youth from different cultures. The fourth PALM event held in 2023 was attended by over 100 rangatahi kahukura, representing 23 ethnic communities across Aotearoa. |
↓ | Relational approaches grown and strengthened (2024) Learning from and building on earlier approaches, E Tū Whānau continued to implement relational approaches to engaging, working with and supporting community partners who strengthen and uplift whānau in Aotearoa. These relational approaches invest in long-term, mutually beneficial relationships and shared aspirations. |
↓ | E Tū Whānau measurement tools (2024) Understanding how and why change occurs is vital to building an evidence base in Aotearoa around what makes a difference for Māori. Alongside community partners, researchers and relevant experts, three kaupapa Māori tools to measure change within E Tū Whānau community contexts were developed and produced. |
↓ | Supporting strong, safe whānau and effective community leadership Building on previous experience, initiatives and insights, E Tū Whānau continued to develop resources and create opportunities that support whānau to become strong, safe and prosperous. Nurturing and supporting kahukura community leadership continued to be key to achieving this. |
↓ | Evaluation of E Tū Whānau (January 2025) To understand what works and what doesn’t in relation to family violence prevention in Aotearoa, as well as the overall effectiveness of E Tū Whānau, an evaluation of the E Tū Whānau kaupapa was undertaken. Completed by a team of researchers and kaupapa Māori evaluation and community mobilisation experts, the evaluation endorsed the relational approach of E Tū Whānau focused on whānau and community mobilisation, and generated insights in relation to future directions and growth. |
↓ | Ongoing community-led mahi across the motu E Tū Whānau continues to support communities across the motu to lead their own journeys of positive transformation and change. This work is guided by experiences to date as well as the vision, values and strategic direction of the kaupapa. |