Whānau from throughout Hawkes Bay came together in October 2016 to walk, talk and honour local Kahukura and social change agent, Pat McGill on his 90th birthday.
E Tū Whānau stalwart, Denis O’Reilly has been a friend of Pats for over 40 years. He says the former businessman, local Rugby Union official and tireless community worker, is a true Kahukura.
“A Kahukura leads by taking action and is judged by the quality of his or her actions.”
Pat has worked across all sectors of Hawkes Bay society and is often associated with Whakakotahitanga – CommUnity Solutions, previously known as Napier Pilot City Trust, which promotes community solutions to social and economic problems, and unity between the people of Napier and surrounding areas.
“Pat’s from a comfortable Pākehā background but way back in the 70s he had an epiphany and since then he’s been a very effective advocate for the those in need,” says Denis.
Pat is also known by many for his work in prisoner rehabilitation and his vision of “building communities not prisons.”
“His views are the antithesis of those of the Sensible Sentencing Trust, and he’s a true leader,” says Denis.