Kōrero awhi is about being able to communicate clearly, positively and with compassion. Strong whānau talk about the small, trivial matters as well as the complex, serious issues in life.
Open, supportive communication helps whānau relate and feel connected to each other. It means they are able to understand one another better.
He tao rākau e taea te karo, he tao kupu e kore e taea te karo
The thrust of a spear can be avoided, but not the thrust of words
What is kōrero awhi?
“It’s about telling one another that we love each other every day.”
“Positive kōrero feeds the mind and spirit of our whānau. E tū – spend time with your whānau and awhi them today!”
“Sharing a cuppa, and talking about stuff in the moment rather than letting things drag on and build up.”
“Your words and deeds today can make a difference tomorrow.”
“Seek and speak the truth – be courageous, challenge the things that diminish others in a way that grows mana.”
“Speak positively to yourself and others – your words will strengthen and uplift.”
“Your words have the power to build or destroy. Use them with care – they will shape the actions and stories told by the generations to come.”
This tohu shows the arero (tongue) of a taiaha. It is a subtle reminder to us all to learn who we are, to learn about our history, where we come from, our genealogy, and about our families.
The tohu on the arero shows the elements of caring, nurturing, and embracing. The arero reminds us that we are able to speak our truth, able to express ourselves through sounds, actions, and words.
By combining the two elements, kōrero and awhi, the tohu shows cooperation and collaboration. Each whānau maintains their own autonomy but is linked with others by kōrero that flows freely from one generation to the next, supported by one another with care and love, as progress is made.
The Kōwhai Ngutu Kākā pattern is used to show the nurturing of a person’s journey to learn their history or origins. The Mangopare pattern is used to show strength and knowledge, and the Rauru (spiral) pattern depicts coming together.
E Tū Whānau has developed a number of resources to support whānau exploring and deepening their connection with Kōrero awhi.
Printed resources based on Kōrero awhi
Kōrero awhi – this downloadable booklet is one in a series which explores the six E Tū Whānau values.
Sets of the whole series of booklets are available for ordering from our Resources page.
Activities for whānau support whānau to reconnect with Kōrero awhi and to explore other areas that strengthen and build mana.
Video resources
Visual resources which take a look at Kōrero awhi in action include:
Atiawa Toa FM announcer, Alana Broughton, shares her thoughts on kōrero awhi
Want to know more?
Explore the range of E Tū Whānau resources designed to support positive transformations in whānau, hapū and hapori