E Tū Whānau regularly produces materials such as videos, pānui, and website and social media content. These are used to profile the various kaupapa and activities of E Tū Whānau and sometimes include people’s stories, photos and/or videos.
We would like your approval to use and store your story, information and/or photo and/or video content for potential use by E Tū Whānau. You can indicate below how information about you can be used.
If you choose to give your consent, information about you will be held by E Tū Whānau in compliance with the Privacy Act 2020. Your consent will be valid for two years from the time that you give it, unless you withdraw that consent in writing before then. After the two years have finished, we will not use your photo or information in a new publication without obtaining your further consent. Please note that some videos, pānui, and website and social media content may remain in circulation after this time.
Under the Privacy Act 2020, you are also entitled to seek correction of information about you at any time. You can do this by contacting E Tū Whānau.