E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment

About the E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment

The E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment has been developed by Māori as a call to action to whānau throughout the country to stand together against violence of all forms, and to uphold the tapu and the mana of our people.

Violence is a transgression against individuals, whānau and whakapapa.

The Charter is a public commitment to positive change built on the acknowledgement that all violence towards whānau is unacceptable within Te Ao Māori.  Signing it is a step that anyone can take to encourage debate, action and change.

You can sign the Charter further down this page. You may also like to visit our resources page where you can print copies of the Charter of Commitment, and other resources.

Te mana kaha o te whānau!

The E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment

We acknowledge that all violence towards whānau is unacceptable within Te Ao Māori, and that such acts of violence are considered a transgression that breach the mana and tapu of the individual, their whānau and their entire whakapapa.

We declare that violence against wāhine and tamariki within whānau is not part of our cultural tradition, and that the actions and solutions that work best for Māori lie within Māori values and practices. 

As tangata whenua of this land:
  • We will take a stand against all forms of violence within our whānau and communities
  • We will acknowledge that violence against wāhine and tamariki is not traditional
  • We will assert that any act of violence is a transgression against the whakapapa, mana and tapu of the individual
  • We will work to eliminate the risk of harm and build protective factors within whānau and communities to prevent violence
  • We will promote the sanctity and tapu of Te Whare Tangata and the whānau
  • We will support whānau to exercise rangatiratanga and autonomy over their lives
  • We will hold whānau accountable for any acts of violence.
As signatories to this Charter of Commitment, we declare:
  • We will uphold the tapu and the mana of our people
  • We will consciously live by traditional values (tikanga, aroha, whakapapa, mana/ manaaki, whanaungatanga, kōrero awhi)
  • We will take responsibility for our whānau and their wellbeing
  • We will ensure our tamariki and mokopuna are nurtured and protected throughout their lives.

As members of whānau, hapū, iwi, community and society:
  • We will stand up, speak out and stop any transgressions – violence flourishes where there is secrecy or acceptance
  • We will take responsibility, act with integrity and be accountable
  • We will support our whānau members to be the best that they can be
  • We will be kahukura and provide leadership within our own whānau to enable all whānau members to prosper and soar.

Download a full colour copy of the Charter of Commitment.

Sign the E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment

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